Dr. Soroush Zaghi on the impact of Tongue-ties on Sleep Disordered Breathing in Kids

Dr. Zaghi is one of the leading doctors in the field of tongue-tie research. Founder of The Breathe Institute (read down below for more!) and creator of the TRMR-TIP, and TRMR-LPS, 2 of the most common diagnostic parameters for tongue tie assessment.

Articles and Abstracts.


Tongue Tied by Dr. Richard Baxter DMD, MS


Tongue Dysfunction Screening: Assessment Protocol for Prescribers

H. Gil1 , N. Fougeront2 1 Maxillofacial physiotherapist 2 Dental surgeon, Orofacial Functional Disorder Consultation, Odontology Dept, Charles-Foix Hospital, Ivry-sur-Seine, France



Aetiology, Diagnosis and Treatment of Ankyloglossia

C. Charisi, A. Koutrouli A. Arhakis Published 2017 Balkan Journal of Dental Medicin



Timothy J. King: Interaction of tongue-tie with the fascia system.

Timothy J. King, Bth, Adv. Dip, App Sci Myotherapy MA- provides an insightful summary of the interaction of tongue-tie with the fascia system and the role of Functional Neuromyofascial Technique (FNFT) of bodywork and physical therapy in the rehabilitation of patients with fascial restrictions.