What is Myofunctional Therapy? (OMT)


Myofunctional Therapy is a multi-session therapy program, which aims to strengthen the oral and facial muscles and improve function of the oral cavity to reduce symptoms of myofunctional disorders like head/jaw pain, grinding, snoring, tongue thrusting and mouth breathing.

Patients are seen bi-weekly based on their individual needs. Therapy programs aim to teach awareness of the oral and facial muscles to help the tongue to stay in the right place, and the lips to stay closed at rest.


Do you need Myofunctional Therapy? Ask yourself:

  • Do you breathe through your mouth or your nose?

  • Do you snore or have sleep apnea?

  • Do you have jaw pain, grind your teeth, or wear a nightguard?

  • Did you have braces in the past, but your teeth are spaced or pushed out again?

  • Where does your tongue rest?

  • Is your mouth often dry?


Goals of OMT

There are 4 main goals of Myofunctional Therapy:

  1. Nasal Breathing 24/7 - yes, even in your sleep!

  2. Tongue Posture - tongue resting sealed to the roof of the mouth

  3. Lip Seal - a closed lip posture

  4. Correct Swallowing Pattern - tongue is sealed and aids in swallowing process